As a Hearing Aid User, What to Do If You Suspect Earwax Buildup

People who have compromised hearing are especially sensitive about their ears. They want to make sure that they treat them carefully so that they don't have any additional issues as time goes by. If you are someone who wears a hearing aid, you may be wondering whether you should be taking time each day to remove "excess" earwax. If somebody has told you that you should do this on a regular basis, don't listen to them. Why should you be careful if trying to remove any buildup within your ear?

What Does Earwax Do?

Earwax is there for a specific reason. Cerumen, to give it its official title, is a naturally occurring substance that is designed to collect bacteria and any dirt or debris that could potentially enter the ear canal. It's also handy in preventing any small bugs from trying to enter the ear while you sleep! Cerumen is naturally moist so that it provides a certain amount of lubrication, and this prevents the ears from getting itchy and dry. Without the wax, it would be a lot easier for infections to build up in this area.

Natural Removal

Natural actions will tend to get rid of any excess buildup. For example, when you talk or chew such excess can be pushed gently out. This means that there is very little work for you to do, over and above some gentle cleaning of the outer ear, after you have taken a shower.

Don't Use a Swab

It is definitely not a good idea to try and insert cotton swabs into the ear to pull out any wax. Many people think that these swabs were designed simply for this purpose, but be that as it may, you might end up simply pushing the earwax further in and causing it to become impacted. In situations like this you may exacerbate any hearing difficulties.

What to Do with the Buildup

Some people who wear hearing aids complain about a buildup of wax and this can happen in some circumstances. Older people may be more susceptible to this, as the wax itself can take on a different consistency as people age. If excess earwax were to build up, this could cause tinnitus, or even a pain in that ear. Sometimes it can cause dizziness due to the delicate balancing ability of the inner ear.

Always Go to the Professional

Go and see your doctor if you suspect you have excessive earwax. He or she can use a special irrigation method to get rid of it. While there are some over-the-counter solutions that can be used at home, it is best in your case to get a professional to do this.
