Helpful Tips for Travelling With Hearing Aids

Being among the hard of hearing and having to wear hearing aids shouldn't ever stand in the way of you travelling, be it for work or fun. With some planning, you can look forward to a great travel experience, and top among the tips to help you do just that include the following. Schedule a Tune-Up This is a good time to go in for a tune-up at your audiologist's office. Read More 

When a Vascular Ultrasound Is Recommended

Some of the advantages of using ultrasound for diagnostic imaging include that it is inexpensive and there is no exposure to ionizing radiation. The benefits are inherent for all types of ultrasounds. A vascular ultrasound is one type of ultrasound that focuses on examining the circulation in the blood vessels across different parts of the body. The results of the ultrasound will help in assessing the presence and severity of circulatory problems and diseases, including the following. Read More 

Understanding Vascular Dementia

Vascular dementia is caused by brain damage that occurs when the flow of blood to your brain is impaired. The condition can be mild or severe and affects memory, judgement and reasoning. Vascular dementia can occur when an artery in your brain becomes blocked as a result of having a stroke, but having a stroke does not automatically mean you will develop this type of dementia. Other conditions that can cause vascular dementia by impairing the flow of blood to the brain include diabetes, high blood pressure and atherosclerosis. Read More